Saturday, July 28, 2007

This Girl Amazes Me...

Real sorry I haven't written in what.....was it three days? They got us a new computer, well, should I say laptop. Not much has been going on over those three days. HEY, we actually got to go to a mall yesterday!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I have never seen a place so big! (Well, except for LapCorp -.-) And there were so many people! Siron says 'Hi.' Anyway, you'll never believe how we got to go:

Yesterday Luna just ups and decides she wants to go into the main control room where the Director is. When she announced that, we just stared at her, and then began laughing hesterically. Luna the Weird shrugs and walks out of our door, heading straight for the control room. We all look at each other, and then lightning quick, grab the door before it closes and race after her. (Man, that girl is fast!) Anyway, when wwe got there Luna was chatting with the Director about something we couldn't hear. Siron and Onix had their wings out, and I was ready to snap her head off. Apparently she didn't know what would usually happen to us if WE decided to do that.
After about three minutes of us not breathing, the Director turned to us and said,"You can go to the mall."
All of our mouths dropped, except for Luna's, of course. We were like, HUH?! What in the name of corn is a mall?!! Well, we found out!
When we got there, I swear Onix's face was going to be stuck like this smiley face's :-D I couldn't crane my neck high enough to look at it, and Siron doing deep breathing excersises. (lol you shoulda seen her!)
We got out of one of Their cars (Actually it was a Hummer, but who cares?) and started to walk toward the mall. At once we felt out of place. I was reallyreally nervous to be there, too. We were dressed a lot better than most of them, but some were just too snooty. (Like those girls who wear Abercrombie. I'm not saying anything bad about Abercrombie or who wears it, but just some select girls can be total wannabe preps. :-\) When we walked into the mall some boys standing by the door wolf whistled at us. We disregarded them and kept walking. Luna appeared beside me, I was leading our pack.
"Don't you love this place?!" she said, excitement in her voice.
"No," I said calmly.
"You've been here before?!" Onix put her hand on my shoulder and leaned into the conversation.
"Of course! They only caught me three days ago, dummy! When did they catch you guys?!" Luna responded.
This was the longest conversation we'd ever had with Luna.
"Um, we weren't caught. We were born there. Well, we weren't born there, we just grew up there. I dunno, we'll explain it when we get back," Siron said, looking at a nearby Hot Topic. "What's that place?"
"Okay. Oh, only the coolest place ever! Come on you guys!" Luna grabbed Siron and my wrist and tugged us into the Hot Topic, with Onix following like a puppy.
"So cool," Siron said, admiring everything in the store.
"Told ya!" Luna said, and tapped her on the nose.
The rest of our day went like that: being pulled into stores by Luna. We got some pretty cool stuff, too. And in the Food Court, as Luna called it, we ate at this place called the Cajun Grill. It was so good! We all had three bowls of fried rice! They picked us up outside of the mall and took us back home. . .or to LapCorp.

And that was our day at the mall. Wow, right? Ya.

Oh, and wings? Here's Luna's profile:

Luna - long, waist-length, blond hair. (This one's a shocker) Werewolf, (Told ya) Earth powers, can't fly with or without wings, country of origin: probably Denmark or Germany...b/c of her blond hair and sometimes blue eyes.

Well, that's pretty much it for now. OH- I forgot to tell you guys! At the mall, I got high-brites or something put in my hair...Anyway they're platnum blond and black! They look so cool!
Well, Byez!
Jamie Besont!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

OMG!!! Important news!!!

OMG!!! Important news!!!

Oh my God, you will never believe this.... Somehow, without telling us...they've been holding another prisoner here!!! Yes, that's the truth! Today, we got a new girl.
Her name is Luna Absyn (AB-sin) Corrick. AND SHE'S WEIRD. Seriously. She has orange/blond hair that is so long it looks like it reaches her waist; she has these cat-like yellow eyes, and get this: they look like their glowing at night!; she also is very tan. don't ask why, she just is; she has an Indian accent (yes, the country) and she thinks WE talk funny; also, she doesn't eat leafy greens like we do. actually, she doesn't eat ANY greens. she just eats. . .meat. that's all she talks about at lunch and all she thinks about when we even mention food; I'm telling you, something's up with this girl and we're gonna find out what!!! (Siron just called me Nancy Drew.)

We're outside in the fenced in thing. I froze Onix b/c she wouldn't shut up and let me type for you guys. Oh, God, here comes one of Them. Oh no, Luna's with them. This should be a riot. Hold on. . . Okay I'm back. The Director was describing that we needed to be nice and welcome Luna into our 'little family', as he called it. One day, I swear I'll break him in two. . .Gosh it's hot out here. And we've still got about, an hour and a half to play out here. Oh yeah, DUH! I have Ice powers! (Dum da dum dum, DUM!) There....all better. I'm typing with only one hand now, i froze my left hand and am holding it to my forhead. I just remembered, I forgot to give a profile of Siron and Onix these two past days:

Siron Jordache (JORD-ack) - black, spiked hair; Electric powers; yellow wings (that we just found yesterday b/c she was hovering in her sleep!!); country of origin: more than likely Italy. (b/c of the black hair and green eyes and accent. but she speaks French).

Onix Dire - long, one-length, flourescent blue hair; air powers; blue wings (that we've known about for a couple of years now!!); country of origin: France.

Me, Jamie Besont (Beh-SONT) - brown, layered, shoulder-length hair; ice powers; no wings (but can fly still!!); country of origin: Francais, baby!!

And that's just a small profile. We hacked into the computers one time and each of our profiles were like, eight pages long! We are amazing machines, you know that?!!!

Well, I won't waste any more of you guys time, so I'll talk to you later! Onix says,'Hi!' Onix says,'Bye!' Luna told me to type you 'Hi,' too, so I will. Hi. There, I said it. Fine, Siron, I won't be mean anymore. :-P
Jamie Besont!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

okay, first mission story

Okay, you asked for the mission story, and I told you I'd tell it. Well, here we go:
The first mission I ever got was so bizzare. We were all eating breakfast, and one of Them came in and pulled us out of the room. We were guided to a large room with humongous computer screen. A woman with spiked blond hair was on the screen talking to the one of Them we called 'The Director.' When we came in, they stopped short and Mr. Director turned to look at us.
"Oh! You've grown up! All of you! I haven't seen you since you were two years old!" the blond woman said. "I hope you are enjoyed your stay here!" she said with a smile that could blind you.
But neither me, Onix, nor Siron turned away. We wanted to look as though we could run through a steel wall. (Even though we didn't know we actually could!!)
"What're we here for?!" Onix said, and that immediately got her a 100 volt shock from one of the Guards.
"Ah ah ah! Do not speak unless you are spoken to!" the blond woman said. "Haven't these imbecils taught you anything in ten years?!"
"Apparently not," I mouthed to Siron, and she snickered.
"Now, let's start over," the woman said, motioning as though she was wiping off a slate with a paper towel. "I am Mrs. Torrence Royale. I am the 'boss' as you would call me. I kind of, run things from here in my office in New York. Now, Onix, you asked what you three were here for, yes? Well, like it or not, you were designed to be superhuman spies for us."
Onix's mouth hung open, and Siron glanced at me. I kept my eyes fixed on Torrence.
"Yes, take it all in, ladies. You three were brought here because today you are going on a mission for us. I know what you're thinking: Without any training?! Yes, without any training. Truth be told, you don't need any, really. Your instincts with act for you. Please, take a seat, you must be tired of standing up all this time!"
Before we could refuse, three chairs slid out from the walls and knocked us into themselves. They rotated so we could look at her, and elevated to her eye level. (Once again, this was a very, very big tv screen!!)
"Better, hm? Yes, now I will explain your task. Your first mission is. . .here. We will put you in a 3-d course. You have to defuse a 100 pound explosive before the five minute time limit is up. Funny thing is, though, you have to get to the bomb and THEN defuse the bomb. I think you can hadnle it, so we'll go right to it, okay?! Doesn't it sound fun?!!" Torrence continued.
"No!" I said loud enough for her to hear.
I got a response from a guard with like, a 100 foot long shock stick.
"What?!! We were spoken to! Not like you could hear anything through your lead heads!" I yelled down at them.
I got another shock.
"Please, Jamie, there is no need for you to become violent, really," Torrence said as our chairs lowered us to the ground. We started to get up, but she continued,"Your chairs will take you to the mission room."
Our chairs started to slide forward and Siron mouthed to me,"Motion sickness! Ha ha."
I snickered and Torrence continued to yap,"Now I'll explain your objectives. Goals, for your matter. There is one for each of you. Siron, you will be defusing the bomb when you guys get to it. Onix, you will be attacking the guards that are trying to blow up the imaginary 'building.' And Jamie, you will be giuding everyone to the building, got that everyone?"
"Yes, we all said in unison," and a guard got ready to use his shock stick.
"DON'T!" I yelled and turned away from him.
He settled back into his original position and we didn't hear another word from Torrence until we got into the arena.
Onix stood up first, and I followed. Siron was reluctant, but we got her up finally.
"The Guards are giving you special earcuffs now that I'll be able to talk to you through!" Torrence said over the ruckuss of us refusing to let Them put them on.
"No, no. . .give me that!!" Siron said, slapping away a Guard's hand.
"Good, are they on? Excellent. Now, if you'll just step into those uniforms and come back out here when you're done changing," Torrence said, obviously talking about changing in the only other door in the room.
We walked over to three sleek, black catsuits. Mine had blue stripes down both sides, Siron's had yellow stripes, and Onix's had just black. We picked them up and ran to the changing room. Moments later we all stepped out wearing our catsuits, throwing aside our old clothes. (Believe it or not, those things really were comfortable! Not too tight, and not too
"Oh, they look just perfect!" Torrence said into our earpieces. "Okay, got to those three portals where the suits were, we can begin. Don't worry, I'll be with you all the way! And let your instincts guide you! And. . ."
We didn't get to hear the last of her chattering our ears off because we were whoosed through those portals and the timer started.
Somewhere, an automated voice said,"T-minus fiev minutes in counting."
"Come on!" I said, this was a winding maze of birck walls, vines, and houses, but somehow I knew every turn. Every dead end we'd get to, I'd know which way to go to get to the 'building' as Torrence called it.
"Good job girls, you're almost there!" she whispered into our earcuffs.
The voice said,"Three and a half minutes in counting." When we finally reached the building.
"Be on your guard, girls. Something isn't right here," I said lowly.
"You're right, Jamie. Something isn't right. That's good, your instincts are woking in sync with your body. Does something not feel..."
After that, I didn't hear Mrs. Royale. Guards with shock sticks busted out from all directions, heading for us.
"Onix, GO!" I shouted, and Onix went into action.
She started knocking them all different ways, taking ut two at once, three, five?! I couldn't believe this. Siron and I had to get in on the fight. Siron was hit by a shock stick, I saw the electric current run through her body. But then, something very weird happened. She strechted out her arms and hands at two Guards, and the electric charge came back at them so powerfully I coul smell the electicity in the air. Siron looked pleased with herself has she watched those Guards take out several others. I decided if she could do something with her abilities, then I could, too. I jumped up, knocking out two Guards at once, and used the rebound to my advantage. I flipped myself over in midair, trying to find some sort of power like Siron did. If I learned to use it at my free will, They were history in the making. I felt coldness in my body, it spread throughout my veins, making them glow blue. The coldness went to my head, giving me a major brain freeze. I decided this was my power, and I picked out a group of huddled Guards,a nd unleashed it. A spray of gut-wrenching Ice Shards came flying out of nowhere and took out the rest of the Guards. I landed and Onix came running over to me.
"How in God's name did you do that?!!" she said, examining one of my arms.
"No time!" Torrence yelled into my ear.
I grabbed both of their arms and pulled them into the building.
"Go, Siron!" I yelled, spotting the bomb and pushing her towards it.
Onix kept watch while I stood over Siron.
"Okay so this. . .and this is. . .no, that can be right. This bomb isn't rigged like most. So. . .there are. . .three red and four yellow . . .and two blue. . .but which to pull? Which one??!! Think. . . .Siron. . .think!!" she was in deep concntration.
The voice said,"Thirty seconds in counting!"
"Come on, Siron, you can do it!" I whispered to her.
She didn't seem to hear it,"Torrence, if there's any time for you to speak it's now! I can't. . .choose which one! It's all . . . .blurry in my . . .mind and the . . .colors. . .they're all. . . .running together! Please help me!"
Apparently there was no response, because Siron just sat there looking at it until time ran out. The simulated bomb 'blew up', and we were whisked back into the large room.
"Well done on everything, girls!" Torrence was waiting for us in the large room we'd first met her in. "I'm sorry about the bomb, Siron. But you'll have to strengthen your mind to see which wire to pull, okay sweetie? And Jamie, excellent display of your main power! That was beautiful! Onix, you are the fighter we designed you to be!"
"Thank you," we all said.
"Well, that's it, mission complete, but not totally complete," Torrence replied. "I'll see you at your next mission. Once again, good job, ladies."

And that's my first mission. Weird, huh? I sure thought so. I mean, Siron having Electricity powers? And ME with Ice? I couldn't believe it. Can you believe it?

Wings, to answer your question of why haven't we escaped yet: We haven't escaped beacuse we just can't . Yes, they do have a way of shutting off our powers, but only inside the walls of LabCorp.

Monday, July 23, 2007

welcome to my world! (it's your world, too!)

I am Jamie Besont. I live in Paris, France, and I am a genetically enhanced superhuman. I have almost black hair down to my shoulders, and I am about 5' 7". Some of my abilities are: I have the ability to fly without wings; I can see in infrared; I can calculate problems faster than a computer; I have unknown strength. And that's just some of my abilities. I have two friends, Onix and Siron, who are also superhumans. They have the same abilities that I do, with a few exceptions.
I first learned that I was a superhuman when. . .well, when I woke up. I was seven years old. I hadn't gotten to live my life from no years. They told me I had been in a coma ever since they injected me with all of that crap. They said that they had come upon the greatest discovery in history: Onix, Siron, and me. They lead me to a room where Siron and Onix were, and locked the door. Strange thinng is, I still didn't know my name. Anyway, for hours and hours, we talked about nothing, about what they said to us when they woke us up, and what we were going to do about it. We finally decided to be friends, and stick through this. They finally came back and unlocked the door. Three men came in and gripped us tightly around the arm. They hauled us into a room with lots of test equipment. I knew where this was going. The next few days, we were put through rigorous courses that tested our willpower and other abilities. Every time one of us would get tired, or stop to take a breather, every one of us would get a super high-voltage shock. Siron screamed every time. It really did hurt, but we pushed through. After all of those test were over, they let us live normal lives. (Of course, in the facility. -.-) We ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner like a family, they let us run around outside and play together, but they never let us use our abilities. I guess they were afraid we'd tear the place down or something. We've lived in that facility for ten years now, and we still live here to this second.
I've hoped and prayed to God that this was all a dream for many years, but nothing has changed, not even the color of the sickly green carpet they have in the hallways.
I hope you've enjoyed my life's story for today. I'll tell you all about my first mission w/ my friends tomorrow, k?
Jamie Besont