Monday, December 31, 2007


Hey this is Siron!!!!!! Guess what?!!! No, you have to guess!!!!:hearts; (sorry if that hearts thing didn't work. . .) Anyway. . .did you guess?!!! You did?!!! Okay, I'll tell. . . .you're wrong, whatever you guessed!!!! Why are you wrong, you say? Because I am the ringmaster of this circus, and you are wrong if I say you are! Now, there! Now, I will tell you. . . .WE GOT 1ST PLACE IN NATIONALS!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE FRANCE'S NATIONAL CHAMPS!!!!!! W0000T!!!! YEEEEEAAAAHH!!!! Okay, now that that's out of my system... How has everyone been? We've been good. Friday was our comp day and it was so hectic!!!! We had to perform two rounds, and honestly, we didn't think we actually had a chance after the second round. See, the frist round, we had nothing wrong with our routine. Nothing, seriously!
Seriously! ~ Jamie
Anyway: no bobbles, no nothing! We didn't have the adrenaline drive that we had when we went out there that first time on the second round, and had one fall and one bobble! I was so mad! Of course, Jamie and my stunt group didn't fall cuz, we're AWESOME! Lolz. :hearts; Anywayz, we got first and got a big trophy and a huge banner and stuff. It was awesome! I was sososo surprised to see that Torrence Royale came to the comp! OMGosh is was such a surprise. When we won, she cried. That's right, C-R-I-E-D. We hugged her and asked how she was and all of that. We're still planning our escape, though. We're gonna try it out tommorow, I think. Oh, yeah-Happy New Year's! Lolz. We're all gonna stay up till' three o' clock to ring in the new year like Americans. Although we've stayed up a long time every night, so we've trained ourselves to go to sleep the next morning and wake up at like, twelve PM. Lolz.
Well, I think I've chirped your ears off for now so. . .Jame or On may post later on today or whatever. Byez! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
:hearts; Siron :hearts;

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Help!!! Jamie's (Still) Trying to Kill Me!!!

Oh, my Gosh! I'm in a closet in the cafeteria of LabCorp! (BTW: It's Onix here!) Anyway, the closet door is locked and Jamie is trying to get in and squeeze my head off. . .or whatever. You want me to tell you what she wanted to kill me for??? Okay, here goes: (Even if you didn't want to know!)

So, we're sitting in class-Ancient History (Boring *YAWN*) to be exact-and I am trying to get a note to Jamie without Mr. Whittaker seeing. So, I tell the girl beside me, Lindie, go tell Ross to tell Carlen to tell Tika to get it to Jame. Well, wouldn't you know that by the time it gets to Carlen, Mr. Whittaker has spotted it. Since we're all at the back of the room, it takes him some time to get back there. So I'm waving my arms and all, trying to get Carlen's attention to 'RIP UP THE NOTE'! And she can't read lips worth a dang, so Mr. Whittaker is about to read everything I wrote about that kid that Jame has a slight crush on: Gabriel. Well, Whittaker gets back there and grudgingly takes the note, opening it out of the intricate folds while heading back to the front of the room.
"Class!" he says in his butler-like voice. "We seem to have a couple of rule perpetrators! They were passing notes! But I don't think that Carlen is responsible! Let's see, shall we? Who wrote this note?!"
I refused to stand up, all my muscles straining against my brain.
"If whoever wrote this doesn't stand up, I'll open it and read it to the whole class, regardless of what it says!" Whittaker continued.
I didn't believe him. He was too much of a fuddy-duddy to read an embarrassing note to the WHOLE ENTIRE CLASS. (Jamie put that in Caps Lock.) So I stayed in my seat.
"Three! Two! One! Okay, here goes!
Dear Jame,
Hey Gurly! I just wanted to tell you something about. . ."
I shot up out of my desk, banging my knee on the metal,"Okay, OKAY! You don't have to read it a out loud! I stood up!"
"Oh, no! You didn't stand up when I said to, so I'm reading it anyway! Okay, continuing on:
that Gabriel kid that you said you have a crush on. I think he likes you, too. And by the way, no he doesn't have a girlfriend. I asked one of his best friends. . ."

And that's the way the cookie crumbled. Gabriel's face was blood red, Jamie's face was blood red, and I was in such shock that he read it that I couldn't move a muscle. Now Jamie wants to kill me! Hold on a minute

Okay I'm back. Had to get a mop off of me that fell when I switched the laptop to my left leg. Uhm. . .what to say now??? Not much I guess. Maybe when I get out of here Jamie or JAx will post later. But anyway. . .Byez!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Haaay Y'all!!!!

Ay bay bay!!!! LOL that's all I've been hearing today since we got home from practice! Guess what??!! We've had almost a week off from practice! We've been off since. . .well, from last Monday to today. Wow! More than a week! Know why??? We won 1st at the competition!!! OMGosh! We get to go to France's Nationals!!! OMGosh! We were sooo excited! But our JV got second. . .but they're still going, too! That'll be awesomeness, too!
Ahh, what to say now. . .Oh yeah! I kind of have a. . .crush on a guy at school. His name's Gabriel. I won't give his last name, though, cause somebody would go and search him on the WhitePages or MySpace or whatever. But anyway, he has snowy-looking skin, pale-ish dark brown hair, and the most beautiful blue eyes. He's shorter than me, though. I've heard he has a girlfriend, but I don't really believe those rumors, because he flirts with me all of the time! I don't think he try to make it obvious that he's flirting, he just does it, and it's noticeable to other people, too. Like, all Onix and Si have talked about is how he 'Loooves me'! They are starting to get on my freaking nerves!!! ( They just called me a moron and an imbecile. Loserz! :-] )
Uhmmm. . .what to say now. . .oh yeah! To get Angel<3lane>
Not much else I think I need to type about, soz I let you go!
♥ Eimaj Tnoseb ♥