Saturday, November 8, 2008


&spades:Guys, something really fishy is going on here. I keep hearing weird sounds coming from below LapCorp and from above. Onix disappeared a while ago, and Jamie went to check things out a few seconds ago. I hear footsteps in the hallway. Hold on. . .
♠Okay, we're good. I told Jax and Siron to move into the small closet we have with me. I know it's foolish, splitting all of us up like that. But it was the safest option we had if there was something going wrong. I still hear footsteps. Our window is one way, so if someone is our there, they can't tell if we're in here or-- Oh, God. I hear screaming. Screaming and pounding. I guess they're pounding on our door. I'm asking Jax and Siron what we're going to do. LapCorp has been infiltrated. What if it's Jamie or Onix screaming? What if they're hurting them? But, no, they couldn't catch them. Or could they? What if. . .

Salutations, imbeciles. We are taking over the company of LabCorp. Your usual blog managers are. . .incapcitated at this moment. I'd like to take this time to tell you that your world will never be the same again once you read this. We control the company and the test subjects that live in it. We are guarding the city; the exits are barracaded. The nuclear weaponry below the company is ready to be fired at will. Nothing that the subjects do can harm us, much less stop us. I guess many of you have read the Uglies books by Scott Westerfeld, yes? Well, think of us as the Specials in those books. Welcome to the new race.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bedtime. . .

Candlelight. I'm typing by candlelight, because Siron and Onix took the lightbulb out and hid the flashlight from me. So, I am typing by candlelight. Not that I can't see just fine, I just like to type in full light, so I can see my keys.
How are you all? Good I hope. Not much has been going on here. Stupid fricking Blogger wouldn't let me in until now. Well, I should say, wouldn't let Jamie in. She's sitting here beside me, watching what I say on this blog. The flow of comments has diminished slowly until all that is left is just the tiny comment of AngelLane in August. AUGUST, people!
But anyway, I know this is short, but I wanted to get a post in before I went to bed.
I went on a mission the other day, by myself! I pinky promise (what's a pinky promise?) that I'll post about it tomorrow.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Give my regards to Clark, Poindexter.

This time it's not Jamie, or Luna, or Siron, or Onix.
The name's Jax. JUST Jax. Vampire and ordinary teenage guy. I haven't ever posted on here, as you all very well know. Or you may not, whichever. But before you go on with reading my post today, I suggest you go back and read every blog from Post Un. Unless you've stayed with us the whole way. Then you can read on.

They put me in a Green Room today. You guys ever hear of that one? A Green Room?
You know how in some movies they use a green screen, which is-in real life-green behind the actors, but to the camera showing what is supposed to be seen? Yeah, They put me in a room made up of those. But it was designed to where I can't see the green, I can only see what They want me to.

*So I'm running around in this weird room, expecting to hit a wall sometime soon, when I hear a sound behind me. I turn on my heels, and there is a teenage girl standing there. She's dressed like any other girl: blue jean shorts, light green tank top, black flip flops with pink toenails. But she's trembling like it's going out of style, and I wonder if They've done this to her.
"What's wrong with you?" I ask, taking a step forward.
She doesn't do anything but shake harder and stare wide-eyed at me.
I look around at the seemingly endless forest They've decided to trick my brain into thinking it's in. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. (Except that I haven't hit any walls yet.)
I took a few more steps forward, reaching for the girl, "What's your name?"
"Samantha-oh!" she screamed the last part, looking completely terrified at something behind me.
I turned-for a split second-around to come face-to-face with a Hellhound.
Now you all probably know what Hellhounds are. Or maybe you don't. But I'll explain anyway. Hellhounds look like very, very large dogs. I'm talking like, the size of a 1800 sq. foot house large. And just like dogs, there are very many species. But they don't include those wimpy little species like Chihuahua, Shi-Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier, and such. They DO include dogs like Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Boxers, German Shepards, Commodores, Labs, etcetera etcetera. And they like to tackle vampires, I've learned in the past. I guess it's why They decided for me to fight it.
Well, needless to say, I didn't fight it.
I grabbed Samantha's arm and began running the opposite way as fast as I could. I could hear the trees of the forest snapping like twigs under the Bloodhound's massive feet. (Yeah, the Hellhound was a Bloodhound. Go figure.) A cave soon came into view and I looked over at Samantha.
But she was no longer there. In my hand was a snake the size my my bicep and maybe three feet long.
I yelled and dropped it, looking back toward the cave. Where did she go?
I was almost there, but so was the Hellhound. He was right on my heels. I took a chance and doubled my speed, diving into the cave.
Straight into a purple-carpeted floor. Massive headache? Check.
"Very, very good, Jax. You've completed your training for today," the Director said as two Guards lifted me to my feet.
"My. .training?" I said, anger flowing through my veins, my eye teeth extending, becoming fangs.
"Yes. There are missions we will send you all on in the future that require good instinct ability to escape holograph rooms. Although your judgement with Samantha could've been better." he replied, looking strangely relaxed.
I looked around, we were sitting in an ordinary looking room. With two gray leather couches, a television, a refrigerator and microwave, and a coffee table.
"You may go now," hea said, motioning for the door. "Tell Luna to be ready for her training in two days!"
"Wh-" was all I could say before the same two Guards shoved me out of the door and into the purple-carpeted hallway*

And that was how wonderful my day has been. Everyone else has already gone to lunch, so I guess I'll be going now.
Viva La Vida.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just Call Me Butter....I'm On A Roll!!

Heyy heyy heyya people! Guess who?! It's me, ♠Luna♠! I know you've never got an update from me before, so I decided to get on here while Jamie and the others were at lunch. Guess what we're having today? CHEESEBURGERS! OHEMGERARD! (haha. omgerard is something i picked up from someone on see, gerard is the name of the lead singer of the american band MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE. he's hott! his brother, mikey way, is the bassist. he's not too bad lookin' either! anyway: ♠) Yeah. Cheeseburgers. I always end up getting like, four. Hey, werewolves gotta eat, too!
Oh hey, I almost forgot. Yesterday, Jamie posted right? Well she said that I had grown my hair out to my waist, remember? Well in the LAST July post, which was like, last year, my hair was also out to my waist, remember? Well, I cut it off in the time that we didn't get to chat with you guys. It was to my shoulders. It was a very big change, and my head was a lot lighter! *giggle* But anyway, I just wanted to tell you people that.
We haven't been doing much today. Just hanging out and listening to music. I have this weird feeling though. Like we're being...watched. I think Torrence has cameras in the Corp now. I'm not sure though. Maybe I should go have a word with the Director...NO!!!
No! Bad Luna! No thinking of mind control.....gaah.
Sorry I zoned out for a sec. Oh, look! They're already coming to get me! The guards have found out I was missing and come to our room to find me. That's just gr8. Emphasis on the GREAT.
Well, Jamie may or may not post on here later, but either way, we'll talk to you soon enough! Comment are highly praised!
Love you all!

Sunday, July 27, 2008



*clears throat* Sorry, lost my cool for a sec.
Can't lose what you never had. ~ Siron ♥
Shut up. It's Jamie Besont peeps! I know what you're thinking, no wayy, really?! (sarcastically.) But anyway. Oh my God, it's been how long since I last posted? I cannot tell you how truly sorry I am. I've been trying to get on Blogger for forever and a day, but it wouldn't take my username and password! I feel so horrible about that! I'm really sorry! Truly, I am!
So, what's the 411? How you guys been doing? What are some of your musical interests? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite food? Am I taking these questions a little to the silly side? (don't answer that. -.-)
We've all been pretty good. Needless to say, we're still here. We haven't changed much. Except Luna's grown her hair out to her waist and keeps it in two pretty little braids every day, and Jax's hair is now close cropped, Siron's hair hasn't changed, but she's gotten taller, I think. That's so not fair! She was tall to begin with! And I took the electric blue streaks out of my hair and threw in some black and platinum. Onix...well, Onix hasn't changed much, either. Haha.
Torrence has sent us on a couple more missions since we last talked.
??? - Luna♠
Okayy, maybe four! Ugh, you have to correct me on everything?
Yes. I like to watch you squirm. - Luna♠
Here's the info: we stole a big sapphire from an Italian dude, some importante papers from a Spanish guy, and a couple of laser beams (???) from MI6. Yeah. That place. Again. And the fourth mission...well, Torrence called it a mission....but it was more like....a study hour. She sent us to a library to brush up on Brazilian culture. For what? I don't have a clue. But these things can be found out. And soon we will find them. Sooner or later, something is going to give. Probably later. Hopefully sooner.
We're out of school currently. We're going back on August 6th. What day do all of you go back?
Oh I forgot to mention, Siron, Onix and I made the cheerleading team again. That's a big 'WHOOP'. We're the leaders this year I guess, since the newbies are moving up. Oh, well. They're doing pretty good for weaklings! Haha.
I haven't been to Strawberry's blog in a while. Do you guys know how she's doing? Good I hope. I may click on over there and leave her a couple comments.
Did you guys read the new Maximum Ride book? We got it as a gift from the Director. Yeah, remember him? He's still here. Ruining our lives. We can't go outside anymore for free time because of him. But also because of him, we're getting an ultracool workout gym in LapCorp. That's a MUST for high-tech utrasecret labs! (sarcasm. -headdesk-)
I have to go for now, but I promise I will write tomorrow! Really, I promise!
J.A.M.I.E. B.E.S.O.N.T. !

Saturday, January 19, 2008

WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

WE ACTUALLY DID IT, Y'ALL! We escaped, we did it! We came back, though. But not before enjoying the flight of our life! (Or run, in Luna and Jax's case) Here's how we did it:
We waited until they let us outside for our morning exercise or whatever. We acted all normal and all for about thrity minutes. Then, all of a sudden. . .BLAMO!!! Siron throws a roundhouse kick at the guard who is watching us, knocking him out. Now, since we have an ultraviolet shield blocking us from above, we decided to bust through the barbed wired stone wall. So, I'm freezing the thing in a particular spot, Siron's throwing electric shocks at it, Jax is throwing punches and kicks at it, and Luna is running and barging into the wall. Onix has nothing to do, so she says she's 'supervising'. Finally, we burst through the wall. But on the downside, the guards have set all of the alarms off and they are running all over the place 'cause they know we're trying to escape. We've got no time to lose, so we set off into the woods behind LabCorp. If there were woods anywhere else but all around. So we set off and we're zooming through the trees and all, and Luna climbs up into one of them and tells us that the guards aren't coming. So we rest for a moment, and have no clue where we are. Onix keeps calling Luna a 'flower child', Siron and Jax are arguing which way is north, and I'm just sitting in midair above the trees, by myself, thinking 'When is this going to end!???' We got something to eat and flew around for hours and hours. And when we finally got tired of flying and running around, we decided to head back to HQ. We got back and headed straight to our room, knowing that we were going to get a chew-out by Torrence. But she never called today. I think she's still stweing over our last meeting on the mission.
But anyways, I guess I'll have to let you go now. Tomorrow we're gonna try and escape and go skating. That'll be coolio!
Luvz ya!

Monday, December 31, 2007


Hey this is Siron!!!!!! Guess what?!!! No, you have to guess!!!!:hearts; (sorry if that hearts thing didn't work. . .) Anyway. . .did you guess?!!! You did?!!! Okay, I'll tell. . . .you're wrong, whatever you guessed!!!! Why are you wrong, you say? Because I am the ringmaster of this circus, and you are wrong if I say you are! Now, there! Now, I will tell you. . . .WE GOT 1ST PLACE IN NATIONALS!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE FRANCE'S NATIONAL CHAMPS!!!!!! W0000T!!!! YEEEEEAAAAHH!!!! Okay, now that that's out of my system... How has everyone been? We've been good. Friday was our comp day and it was so hectic!!!! We had to perform two rounds, and honestly, we didn't think we actually had a chance after the second round. See, the frist round, we had nothing wrong with our routine. Nothing, seriously!
Seriously! ~ Jamie
Anyway: no bobbles, no nothing! We didn't have the adrenaline drive that we had when we went out there that first time on the second round, and had one fall and one bobble! I was so mad! Of course, Jamie and my stunt group didn't fall cuz, we're AWESOME! Lolz. :hearts; Anywayz, we got first and got a big trophy and a huge banner and stuff. It was awesome! I was sososo surprised to see that Torrence Royale came to the comp! OMGosh is was such a surprise. When we won, she cried. That's right, C-R-I-E-D. We hugged her and asked how she was and all of that. We're still planning our escape, though. We're gonna try it out tommorow, I think. Oh, yeah-Happy New Year's! Lolz. We're all gonna stay up till' three o' clock to ring in the new year like Americans. Although we've stayed up a long time every night, so we've trained ourselves to go to sleep the next morning and wake up at like, twelve PM. Lolz.
Well, I think I've chirped your ears off for now so. . .Jame or On may post later on today or whatever. Byez! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
:hearts; Siron :hearts;