Monday, August 13, 2007

I Got a Book and We're on House Arrest

Did I mention how much I hated Torrence Royale, our boss??? If not, lemme put it into perspective for yaz: I HATE HER WITH A PASSION!!! Ahh, that feels better. Hold on a minute, Siron just fell out of her bunk. It'll take a bulldozer to lift her back up. . .ya, that was some work. (Riiight.) Well anyway, I hate Torrence. Lemme explain it to yaz:
Luna talks to the Director again, and persuades him to let us go to a bookstore to get me the book Eclipse, by Stephenie Meyer. (By the way, loved it!!!) We get back, and Torrence is on the phone and wants to speak to us. We answer it in our rooms and we get a two-hour long scream/speech about how we shouldn't mind-control her workers!!! (Who knew Luna could do that???!!! Dum da dum dum, DUM! Haha.) We say it'll never happen again, and right before we get off of the phone with her, she says,"Oh, I forgot: You're on house arrest! For eight weeks! Nothing, nothing, nothing you do can change my mind! If my expirements won't behave as they are required, we will make them. No matter what!"
Do you know how long two weeks is?! I do! Two months, practically! I can't believe this! (Oh yeah, and you people are welcome to voice your opinion about Eclipse!!!) Luna just said that she wants to rip Torrence's head off. You know what? I'd like to witness that. . .then lie about it! Luna's the one who got us into trouble in the first place! (Don't say a word to her about that!)
Now, I will be quiet about my personal behavioral issues and discuss one of the best authors of our time: Stephenie Meyer. I have read every book in the Twilight series. If I do say so myself, and I do, those books are the best that I have ever read! If everyone that reads has read it, I think we can all gladly say this to you, Miss Meyer, WRITE ANOTHER BOOK! HURRY UP!!!!! (please??)
Ha ha ha. Aren't I funny? (Not really???) Whatever. Who asked you anyway?! (Oh, I did?!) My bad.
Well, I can't write anymore, Luna says the guards are coming to take us to dinner. I am so hungry. They're serving dinner late b/c of our punishment. God, I hate Torrence!
I wish you all good luck, Byez!
Jamie Besont!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Okay, Maybe I didn't Write the Day After. . .

But you gotta understand, we've been sososo busy! They're running more tests for something or another, and we had to get blood drawn. (Luna and I had to hold down Onix for her to get blood drawn!!! :-/) After that, we had to run four miles for an endurance test, then they spun us around in one of those things that NASA uses for centrifugal force, and then told us to pick which type of food we liked best. (They expect us to think about food when we're that dizzy?! Siron said she almost puked on the Director when he asked her.)
We got a phone call from Torrance Royale the other day. She asked us if we had fun at the mall. We said yes. I wished she would shut up, b/c all of us like peace and quiet, but she made (literally MADE) us talk to her. Finally, after about three hours of talking, she hung up!!! (YAYAYAY!)
Oh-I almost forgot to tell you! THEY CHANGED THE COLOR OF THE CARPET IN OUR LABCORP BUILDING! It was that sick-looking green, now it's a deep deep purple! It looks so much better! Plus, it's easier to look at cuz I mean, who wants to look at puke green alll the time, yea?
Luna wants to type something so, here she is: (PS: Her fave color is purple so every time she writes it'll be in light purple. Same for Siron with yellow and Onix with black. Well, she'll write in white cuz my background is black. I'll just write in random colors)
Hiya!!! I'm Luna Corrick and I'm one of Jamie's new friends! I'm a werewolf, and They caught me somewhere in Denmark or something like that. I wish they'd let us run free. Like, they could build us a little house of something by the LabCorp thingamajig, and we could live there. We'd have the freedom to go shopping and go outside and stuff, but They could still keep track of us. Besides, we're all seventeen, so we really really need some cool cars, yea?! Yea!!! I know I'm kinda overdoing it with the exclamation points '!!!', but you know dogs ARE kind of hyper. I hope everyone who reads is doing well, and I'll ttyl!!! BuhByeByes! ~LuNa~
Hey...(It's Siron, if you don't remember!) Bye...
Okay I'm back. Does Luna sound like a nice girl to you guys? (She just said,"Of course I do! I'm the greatest thing that happened to you guys!" Yea right! She called me a moron.) She's really a sweet girl in person. If you get past the sharp K-9's and the piercing yellow eyes and the hunger for meat all the time.
Well, not much else to say, sos I'll get yaz so. Bye Bye!
Jamie Besont!