Sunday, July 27, 2008



*clears throat* Sorry, lost my cool for a sec.
Can't lose what you never had. ~ Siron ♥
Shut up. It's Jamie Besont peeps! I know what you're thinking, no wayy, really?! (sarcastically.) But anyway. Oh my God, it's been how long since I last posted? I cannot tell you how truly sorry I am. I've been trying to get on Blogger for forever and a day, but it wouldn't take my username and password! I feel so horrible about that! I'm really sorry! Truly, I am!
So, what's the 411? How you guys been doing? What are some of your musical interests? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite food? Am I taking these questions a little to the silly side? (don't answer that. -.-)
We've all been pretty good. Needless to say, we're still here. We haven't changed much. Except Luna's grown her hair out to her waist and keeps it in two pretty little braids every day, and Jax's hair is now close cropped, Siron's hair hasn't changed, but she's gotten taller, I think. That's so not fair! She was tall to begin with! And I took the electric blue streaks out of my hair and threw in some black and platinum. Onix...well, Onix hasn't changed much, either. Haha.
Torrence has sent us on a couple more missions since we last talked.
??? - Luna♠
Okayy, maybe four! Ugh, you have to correct me on everything?
Yes. I like to watch you squirm. - Luna♠
Here's the info: we stole a big sapphire from an Italian dude, some importante papers from a Spanish guy, and a couple of laser beams (???) from MI6. Yeah. That place. Again. And the fourth mission...well, Torrence called it a mission....but it was more like....a study hour. She sent us to a library to brush up on Brazilian culture. For what? I don't have a clue. But these things can be found out. And soon we will find them. Sooner or later, something is going to give. Probably later. Hopefully sooner.
We're out of school currently. We're going back on August 6th. What day do all of you go back?
Oh I forgot to mention, Siron, Onix and I made the cheerleading team again. That's a big 'WHOOP'. We're the leaders this year I guess, since the newbies are moving up. Oh, well. They're doing pretty good for weaklings! Haha.
I haven't been to Strawberry's blog in a while. Do you guys know how she's doing? Good I hope. I may click on over there and leave her a couple comments.
Did you guys read the new Maximum Ride book? We got it as a gift from the Director. Yeah, remember him? He's still here. Ruining our lives. We can't go outside anymore for free time because of him. But also because of him, we're getting an ultracool workout gym in LapCorp. That's a MUST for high-tech utrasecret labs! (sarcasm. -headdesk-)
I have to go for now, but I promise I will write tomorrow! Really, I promise!
J.A.M.I.E. B.E.S.O.N.T. !

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