Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bedtime. . .

Candlelight. I'm typing by candlelight, because Siron and Onix took the lightbulb out and hid the flashlight from me. So, I am typing by candlelight. Not that I can't see just fine, I just like to type in full light, so I can see my keys.
How are you all? Good I hope. Not much has been going on here. Stupid fricking Blogger wouldn't let me in until now. Well, I should say, wouldn't let Jamie in. She's sitting here beside me, watching what I say on this blog. The flow of comments has diminished slowly until all that is left is just the tiny comment of AngelLane in August. AUGUST, people!
But anyway, I know this is short, but I wanted to get a post in before I went to bed.
I went on a mission the other day, by myself! I pinky promise (what's a pinky promise?) that I'll post about it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Angel♥Lane said...

haha wat's a pinky promise haha great fun we hav dnt we...